This work safe movie (must watch!) demonstrates why men's restrooms are more efficient than the ladies. For the ladies reference, there is a disposable travelaid "TravelMate" that disposes some of the concerns for lack of cleanliness described in Rowan's post by providing the same conveniences that the guys have. used to have a tutorial on 'How to Pee Standing'.
Forget Reality Television; Forget Ed TV; Forget The Truman Show--try "Reality ME!" The entries below follow me throughout my day. Try on my shoes... This blog will document my success or failure on handling the daily challenges. Originally started as an anonymous pessimistic following of a difficult situation (ergo the poorly named cursed-juggler), this writing has turned into a pleasurable medium to inform friends and family and make new friends.
Friday, October 22, 2004
In the Men's Room
Ponderings of a Princess have a related discussion on whether or not peeing in the shower is ok right now. Thanks Tim!