Sunday, September 11, 2005

I haven't even run out of weed yet

Jacob Sullum sums up a New York Times article on New Orleans residents that do not want to leave.

Frankly I'm appauled that they are confiscating weapons from people that have the legal right to bear those arms. I also recognize with what ease the military could eliminate these people.

"oh, we found his body in the backyard. Looks like a looter shot him."
"She drowned."
"Sorry, the body has not been recovered."
"You know. There were 4 of us with M16s and he went berzerk and started firing on us. We had to defend ourselves."

Still, to confiscate someone's grandfathers side arm that he had in WWII or something similar ... well, it doesn't even have to have a history..this is just wrong.