* Day quickly going to hell. If you use the Covey planning approach, you'll recognize that I struggle to be in Q2, live most of life in Q1 and too often slip into Q4--I'd say this is typical of most people. Q1 is killing me!
* Grabbed that powernap---oooohh so nice!
* Helped bathe the baby and put her down for her "not nap" (ie. she's not napping)
* Some tech support to father-in-law
* Time to get freshened up for the meeting with the school system--a bunch of politically correct pain in the butts that realize all they have to do is talk crap to us a lot and we eventually move on. I debate taking this on as a pet project to bring change to the system. It would not impact us but would certainly make things better for future special needs children. Ah, that's not the real reason--I'd just like to see a couple of idiots shit canned.