Tuesday, March 02, 2004

The Family Tech Support Guy

wife says:
i accidently did something and now the row at the bottom of my screen is invisible and the top looks funny
wife says:
how do i fix it?
wife says:
never mind
wife says:
i fixed it

husband says:
ok. I want you to read that outloud to yourself as if you were doing something else and some said it to you.

wife says:
wife says:
do i sound crazy?

husband says:
user: I accidently did something
tech support: That's sufficiently vague
user: and now the row at the bottom of my screen
tech support: ok. They could mean windows.. or they could mean Internet Explorer.. or this could be in programming on their blog or web site.. or maybe a piece of their monitor is missing
user: is invisible
tech support: wow! Now that's cool.
user: and the top looks funny
tech support: halter top? top of the monitor? user's on pain killers?
tech support final solution after carefully evaluating the problem: The user accidentally dragged the windows task bar to the top of the screen and shrunk it too small to use.
Fix: resize bar. Drag back to bottom of screen.
wife says:
you should cut and paste this into your blog with a gripe about wifes calling you for tech support all the time

husband says:

wife says:
oh, and f%&^ you :P

husband says:
Did I get the solution right?
husband says:

wife says:
again - f%&^ you

husband says: