Tuesday, April 27, 2004

A New Day!

Let's start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

This Morning
This is one of those mornings I really would have preferred to stay in bed. I was up at 5am and with almost no motivation I could have gotten up but I drifted back into a deep sleep with strange dreams. I dreamed of being in a lighting store (I think my friends owned) with really tall ceilings and all their displays too high to appreciate. They were giving me directions with road names that apparently I should have known but didn't. A 6 pack of coke played some kind of importance as it was forgotten at first and then I ran back in to recover half of it.

This morning I woke with soreness and a desire to do my stretching exercises but not on the hardwood floor. I am stressed over my inability to put dents into the insurmountable tasks in front of me. Albeit I had a great day yesterday with accomplishes and having worked all day in my office. I even made decisions on how to proceed with some marketing of myself to rapidly bring in some income but that all depends on my ability to revive the art computer.