Wednesday, November 24, 2004

What a day

Posted by Hello Started my day off with phone calls to prepare for my 2 hour phone call then followed it up with some more phone calls then called State Farm to see if a replacement heat pump could be amortized as part of the home owner's insurance and they said to call KUB for that service plus gave me a phone number for a great heating and air person so I called him then when the tree down the street fell across the road I made 3 more phone calls (one with a 35 minute hold time..fortunely they had a 'leave a msg/get a call back' service) to County Roads (fast response!), Comcast, and BellSouth and followed up with a phone call to the heating and air person to warn him the street was blocked. Some phone calls paid off and the road was quickly cleared and lines retensioned. Heating and air person showed up and said he couldn't buy the part needed until next week. Took a break to take the wife, Noah and Amy grocery shopping and during our shopping I took another 20 minute business call. Went into Walmart with Noah came out without him?! (Grandfather came and took him for the evening) Came home. Had dinner. Power napped and now prepare to work some more.