Sunday, November 14, 2004


Shaun of the Dead music import cover Last night I was having a conversation and a, ahem, "younger" person said, "Have you seen that movie 'Dawn of the Dead'? Did cha know its a remake!" At this point I had to rant on how a large percentage of "new" movies today are simply remakes such as "The Bourne Identity". Here is the 1978 version of Dawn of the Dead and the 1988 Bourne Identity Mini-series.

So the conversation shifts to Shaun of the Dead. I've never seen this one. But people start to gather around and share in their mirth over this movie. Apparently Shaun of the Dead is side splitting funny.

So today, I'm using Blog Explosion for a moment and come across Jersey Shore posting on Shaun of the Dead! Tis a sign! So, having not seen it, I must recommend Shaun of the Dead to any zombie fan!