Saturday, January 10, 2004

A New Day!

Let's start the day off with a PayPal donation link:

* Last night after running errands we returned and had the 7 year old's 2 good friends in the neighborhood over for the night complete with royally burnt hamburgers. Enjoyed tv with the wife.

* This morning got up 8ish and got started sending the kids on admist breakfast.
* Now want to put my earrings back in. One hole has closed for sure and saddens me. I can't find my earrings. They are somewhere in a box among all my other garbage. I'm torn anyway. I enjoy the jewerly but I know the inlaws would die, my folks would disapprove and its not the image I necessarily want to convey to the kids. So, a large piece of me says "grow up. Let that past die." It's strange how something so stupid could be a source of such conflict. Conflict may not be the right word. "Incompleteness" seems more correct. That in itself makes me think I'm projecting other pent up feelings and am using this as the outlet but I can't quite grasp what it is that I'm feeling or seeking.