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This Morning
* Woke at 4:30 and could have jumped from bed but didn't allow myself to.
* Woke at 6, 6:17 (kids up), 6:30, 6:50 and 7 - finally got up
* 19 mth old awoke at 7:07 and I started warming the car in anticipation of her joining the car pool. Wife came up and got her (thank goodness! It was COLD outside).
* Ate some oatmeal, pondered the day, and read a book.
* Now need to check on the 19mth old.
Last Night
* Fixed dinner for the kids...rather gathered the kids for left over pizza and chicken pasta salad
* Called Dad to mention that the UPS should be picking up the damaged scooter. I wanted desperately to ask for help but didn't know how and he just volunteered it. I guess my jokes were taken as begging.
* Got fired going and kids to bed and watched television with wife. Was going to stay up late or all night working. She said "you're down for the night" and I was wired but ended up watching a movie from 11-1am "Hank's Heros" or something. At 1am I was still wide awake but shaking slightly; I knew needed sleep.